MyWebAdmin Solutions Apps

LMS Students 1.0.23
MyWebAdmin.In LMS Students and Parents LoginPanel.View your information, attendance, results, performance, videos,read notes, discuss with your batch mates etc.MyWebAdmin.In brings to you learning management system for schools,colleges and any educational institute. It helps you manage yourinstitute in a very sophisticated and planned way. It containsseveral modules viz. faculty management, time table management,fees management, attendance management, online tests, questionsdatabase etc.It is 100% customizable according to your requirements, hence youmay design your learning / administration system as per yourrequirements even though it uses cloud system (SaaS). The contentmanagement system is designed to be configurable with coolesttemplates. You may also change the template you like, because wecommit 100% customizability. All the reports are PDF downloadableand some viz. students lists, fees are downloadable in excelsheet.It provides student's and parent's account where students andparents can track fees, attendance, performance.MyWebAdmin.In introduces batch discussion forum where students candiscuss there issues and share files online in a group chat withteachers.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir 1.1.0
Moved this app to of Hafiz Ibn Kathir Author of Tafsir Ibn Kathir By theHonored Shaykh `Abdul-Qadir Al-Arna'ut, may Allah protect him. Heis the respected Imam, Abu Al-Fida', `Imad Ad-Din Isma'il bin 'Umarbin Kathir Al-Qurashi Al-Busrawi - Busraian in origin; Dimashqi intraining, learning and residence. Ibn Kathir was born in the cityof Busra in 701 H. His father was the Friday speaker of thevillage, but he died while Ibn Kathir was only four years old. IbnKathir's brother, Shaykh Abdul-Wahhab, reared him and taught himuntil he moved to Damascus in 706 H., when he was five years old.Ibn Kathir's Teachers: Ibn Kathir studied Fiqh - Islamicjurisprudence - with Burhan Ad-Din, Ibrahim bin `Abdur-RahmanAl-Fizari, known as Ibn Al-Firkah (who died in 729 H). Ibn Kathirheard Hadiths from `Isa bin Al-Mutim, Ahmad bin Abi Talib, (IbnAsh-Shahnah) (who died in 730 H), Ibn Al-Hajjar, (who died in 730H), and the Hadith narrator of Ash-Sham (modern day Syria andsurrounding areas); Baha Ad-Din Al-Qasim bin Muzaffar bin `Asakir(who died in 723 H), and Ibn Ash-Shirdzi, Ishaq bin YahyaAl-Ammuddi, also known as `Afif Ad-Din, the Zahiriyyah Shaykh whodied in 725 H, and Muhammad bin Zarrad. He remained with JamalAd-Din, Yusuf bin Az-Zaki AlMizzi who died in 724 H, he benefitedfrom his knowledge and also married his daughter. He also read withShaykh Al-Islam, Taqi Ad-Din Ahmad bin `Abdul-Halim bin`Abdus-Salam bin Taymiyyah who died in 728 H. He also read with theImam Hafiz and historian Shams Ad-Din, Muhammad bin Ahmad binUthman bin Qaymaz Adh-Dhahabi, who died in 748 H. Also, Abu MusaAl-Qarafai, Abu Al-Fath Ad-Dabbusi and 'Ali bin `Umar As-Suwani andothers who gave him permission to transmit the knowledge he learnedwith them in Egypt. In his book, Al-Mu jam Al-Mukhtas, Al-HafizAdh-Dhaliabi wrote that Ibn Kathir was, "The Imam, scholar ofjurisprudence, skillful scholar of Hadith, renowned Fagih andscholar of Tafsir who wrote several beneficial books." Further, inAd-Durar Al-Kdminah, Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar AlAsqalani said, "IbnKathir worked on the subject of the Hadith in the areas of textsand chains of narrators. He had a good memory, his books becamepopular during his lifetime, and people benefited from them afterhis death." Also, the renowned historian Abu Al-Mahasin, JamalAd-Din Yusuf bin Sayf Ad-Din (Ibn Taghri Bardi), said in his book,AlManhal As-Safi, "He is the Shaykh, the Imam, the great scholar`Imad Ad-Din Abu Al-Fida'. He learned extensively and was veryactive in collecting knowledge and writing. He was excellent in theareas of Fiqh, Tafsfr and Hadith. He collected knowledge, authored(books), taught, narrated Hadith and wrote. He had immenseknowledge in the fields of Hadith, Tafsir, Fiqh, the Arabiclanguage, and so forth. He gave Fatawa (religious verdicts) andtaught until he died, may Allah grant him mercy. He was known forhis precision and vast knowledge, and as a scholar of history,Hadith and Tafsir." Ibn Kathir's Death: Al-Hafiz Ibn HajarAl-Asgalani said, "Ibn Kathir lost his sight just before his lifeended. He died in Damascus in 774 H." May Allah grant mercy uponIbn Kathir and make him among the residents of His Paradise.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir 1.2.4
Biography of Hafiz Ibn Kathir Author of Tafsir Ibn Kathir BytheHonored Shaykh `Abdul-Qadir Al-Arna'ut, may Allah protect him.Heis the respected Imam, Abu Al-Fida', `Imad Ad-Din Isma'il bin'Umarbin Kathir Al-Qurashi Al-Busrawi - Busraian in origin;Dimashqi intraining, learning and residence. Ibn Kathir was born inthe cityof Busra in 701 H. His father was the Friday speaker ofthevillage, but he died while Ibn Kathir was only four years old.IbnKathir's brother, Shaykh Abdul-Wahhab, reared him and taughthimuntil he moved to Damascus in 706 H., when he was five yearsold.Ibn Kathir's Teachers: Ibn Kathir studied Fiqh -Islamicjurisprudence - with Burhan Ad-Din, Ibrahim bin`Abdur-RahmanAl-Fizari, known as Ibn Al-Firkah (who died in 729 H).Ibn Kathirheard Hadiths from `Isa bin Al-Mutim, Ahmad bin AbiTalib, (IbnAsh-Shahnah) (who died in 730 H), Ibn Al-Hajjar, (whodied in 730H), and the Hadith narrator of Ash-Sham (modern daySyria andsurrounding areas); Baha Ad-Din Al-Qasim bin Muzaffar bin`Asakir(who died in 723 H), and Ibn Ash-Shirdzi, Ishaq binYahyaAl-Ammuddi, also known as `Afif Ad-Din, the Zahiriyyah Shaykhwhodied in 725 H, and Muhammad bin Zarrad. He remained withJamalAd-Din, Yusuf bin Az-Zaki AlMizzi who died in 724 H, hebenefitedfrom his knowledge and also married his daughter. He alsoread withShaykh Al-Islam, Taqi Ad-Din Ahmad bin `Abdul-Halimbin`Abdus-Salam bin Taymiyyah who died in 728 H. He also read withtheImam Hafiz and historian Shams Ad-Din, Muhammad bin AhmadbinUthman bin Qaymaz Adh-Dhahabi, who died in 748 H. Also, AbuMusaAl-Qarafai, Abu Al-Fath Ad-Dabbusi and 'Ali bin `Umar As-Suwaniandothers who gave him permission to transmit the knowledge helearnedwith them in Egypt. In his book, Al-Mu jam Al-Mukhtas,Al-HafizAdh-Dhaliabi wrote that Ibn Kathir was, "The Imam, scholarofjurisprudence, skillful scholar of Hadith, renowned Fagihandscholar of Tafsir who wrote several beneficial books." Further,inAd-Durar Al-Kdminah, Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar AlAsqalani said,"IbnKathir worked on the subject of the Hadith in the areas oftextsand chains of narrators. He had a good memory, his booksbecamepopular during his lifetime, and people benefited from themafterhis death." Also, the renowned historian Abu Al-Mahasin,JamalAd-Din Yusuf bin Sayf Ad-Din (Ibn Taghri Bardi), said in hisbook,AlManhal As-Safi, "He is the Shaykh, the Imam, the greatscholar`Imad Ad-Din Abu Al-Fida'. He learned extensively and wasveryactive in collecting knowledge and writing. He was excellent intheareas of Fiqh, Tafsfr and Hadith. He collected knowledge,authored(books), taught, narrated Hadith and wrote. He hadimmenseknowledge in the fields of Hadith, Tafsir, Fiqh, theArabiclanguage, and so forth. He gave Fatawa (religious verdicts)andtaught until he died, may Allah grant him mercy. He was knownforhis precision and vast knowledge, and as a scholar ofhistory,Hadith and Tafsir." Ibn Kathir's Death: Al-Hafiz IbnHajarAl-Asgalani said, "Ibn Kathir lost his sight just before hislifeended. He died in Damascus in 774 H." May Allah grant mercyuponIbn Kathir and make him among the residents of His Paradise.
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